The car as one of the luxury goods actually requires special care and protection that is not cheap. Because every risk of damage comes to not a few funds that must be spent, it can even reach tens of millions of dollars. If you are not used to having a reserve fund of car ownership can shake the family finances. So as not to affect other financial plans in the family.
Then you need good management to manage the problems regarding your car. Insurance can be one solution that can help you manage your finances, set up a "precautionary fund" that can be used when a car is damaged by an accident, natural disaster or even loss due to theft.
Concept of Vehicle Insurance
Maybe there are still many of you who think insurance is a waste. Because not every year accidents or car damage will fall, while premiums must continue to be paid every month without a money back guarantee. But again, when suddenly you are involved in an accident then the loss suffered can reach 2x the purchase price of your car.
Car insurance is a form of vehicle insurance that provides protection to policyholders from the risk of collision, impact, upside, slipping or mired, theft, malicious acts, fires, and third party legal liability.
The intention of Third Party Legal Liability is that insurance will cover losses incurred by customers who are caught in accidents and cause losses to the 3rd party in this case becoming victims.Usually the benefits provided in the form of hospitalization and legal assistance for policyholders involved in accidents.Good car insurance premiums are on average paid once a year with the application of forfeited funds.
This means that if within a year of the coverage period no claim is filed then the premium that has been paid will be the property of the insurance company. But usually some insurance companies have different policies, by promising a return on premiums if the customer has passed the 5-year period.
Types of Vehicle Insurance
There are two types of vehicle insurance that are commonly offered, namely All Risk and TLO :
1. All Risk
Is a type of insurance that protects the car from the risk of collision, impact, upside down, slipping or mired, theft, malicious acts, fire, and third party legal liability. However, it does not bear the exception clause. The insurance covers all the burden of damage suffered by policyholders for both minor and severe damage.
2. TLO
Is a type of insurance that protects the car from the risk of total damage only, with a damage rate of up to 75%. TLO insurance provides protection from the risk of collision, impact, upside, slipping or mired, theft, malicious conduct, or fire. TLO does not protect against mild risks such as blisters and berets.
Because the benefits offered are different, the premiums charged are also different. Generally the all risk type imposes premium rates more expensive than TLO. All risk premium prices are usually 2% – 3% of the price of the car while TLO only ranges from 0.8% – 1% of the price of the car.
The average car owner is known to prefer this type of all-risk protection. Because they do not want to gamble with bad luck that can happen at any time. But if financial conditions are not possible, you should not force yourself because TLO protection also provides broad benefits and enough to reduce the burden of your losses when the car is involved in an accident, damage or loss.
Characteristics of Good Car Insurance
Because insurance becomes an important part of your car protection. So the selection of partner insurance companies also can not be arbitrary. Especially if the car you have belongs to the class of expensive goods that are rarely on the market. Don't get stuck with high premiums but low coverage. Here are some characteristics of good car insurance and must be owned:
1. Already registered with Financial Authorities
The first characteristic of good car insurance is already registered with financial authorities. It is mandatory for you to question whether the company is registered with financial authorities or not.
Well, because financial authorities are in charge of regulating financial institutions, any company supervised by financial authorities will follow all financial authorities provisions which of course are also very consensual in consumer protection. Insurance registered with financial authorities is guaranteed to be safe and credible because the panelists also come from economists who are reliable in their fields.
2. Providing Maximum Service
Service issues are very difficult to assess because they are related to consumer satisfaction. However, in car insurance there are several criteria that determine whether or not a car insurance company is good and provides maximum service, namely:It has an extensive network of partner workshops, so that when customers experience vehicle problems they can be directly taken to the nearest workshop.
The network of workshops is already famous for its good reputation and fast in dealing with car damage.Having customer service that is ready for 24 hours serves customer problems, so that whenever the customer experiences obstacles on the car can be directly overcome.
Imagine if customer service only worked during the day, while you had an accident at night, then the insurance benefits you could not receive.Provide free tows with the widest range that can reduce your expenses when the car is damaged at a point away from the city center. Remember yes, this crane problem is quite important because the cost of renting a crane is not cheap because it can reach millions for one crane.
3. Premiums Commensurate with Coverage
The third characteristic of good car insurance is a premium that is commensurate with the coverage provided, which is not too low or too high.If there is an insurance company that offers car insurance with premiums below average you need to examine more details, because it could be some of the benefits that are usually in their car insurance removed.
As for premiums that are too high, it will burden our finances. Although it offers the most complete benefits but not necessarily we need and we use it during the coverage period. As a result, insurance premiums become redundant.
4. Easy Claims Process
The fourth feature of good car insurance is. Before buying an insurance policy, you should first make sure of the history of granting an insurance company claim. Find out the flow of related websites, usually they map and explain the flow of claim submissions so you can assess which ones provide a convoluted claims process and which ones are easy.
This has a big effect when you make a claim. Because convoluted claims will only be a waste of time. While the limit of filing claims that go into the insurance company data is usually a maximum of 1 month from the date of the incident. It is highly recommended to choose car insurance with cashless claims, so you only need to swipe the membership card at an associate's workshop without having to spend money first to repair car damage.
5. Have a Good Name
Some companies with a high reputation usually determine good car insurance premiums are quite high. However, they will replace it with a guarantee of complete and fast service. Free low premiums but handling of your car is slow, or even seems delayed.
Check the history of insurance companies on various internet forums, or ask those who have already purchased an insurance policy. Ask for recommendations to the experienced regarding one of the insurance companies selected.
If the insurance company you are currently considering has these 5 characteristics. Do not hesitate to immediately apply for a policy. But if you are still confused to choose try to try to choose a good car insurance and as needed below: Tricks to Choose Good and Right Insurance.
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